Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 2, 2020

Weekend forecast wrestling with no chance of house cleaning or cooking shirt

That's why of all the issues, even before climate change, I bang the drum the hardest on Net Neutrality. It is so god damn important to be able to for us to organize and communicate.If all you share is what they want you to share then it is self full filing. We need the Internet to be what it was originally designed to be, a way of sharing factual information, Weekend forecast wrestling with no chance of house cleaning or cooking shirtnot "fake news* or any derivative of it. Control of what the people know/believe is the 1st thing you do if you want to control the masses.The internet is a fantastic tool. And like every other tool, it is easily corrupted and misused. And those with influence are much better at corrupting and sowing their brand of dissent than any individual.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Weekend forecast wrestling with no chance of house cleaning or cooking shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Cincinnati reds legends signature shirt

Open the census of 1861 and you will find that the number of male landed proprietors of England and Wales has decreased from 16,934 in 1851 to 15,066 in 1861, so that the concentration of land had grown in 10 years 11 Cincinnati reds legends signature shirtper cent. If the concentration of the soil of the country in a few hands proceeds at the same rate, the land question will become singularly simplified, as it had become in the Roman Empire when Nero grinned at the discovery that half of the province of Africa was owned by six gentlemen.I'd heard about that dude but never heard him speak. He is dangerously good at being persuasive, no wonder so many people believe what he tells them, he presents it very well for an ignorant audience.

BUY THIS SHIRT : Cincinnati reds legends signature shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Star wars the force awakens 43rd anniversary 1977-2020 shirt

The people who were laid off, for the most part, were very talented skilled people. They were just specialized to jobs that SpaceX no longer needs. If they could be retrained at all, it would probably have been as expensive as hiring new people (and new people are preferable because they bring in new ideas). Similar restructuringStar wars the force awakens 43rd anniversary 1977-2020 shirt is common across all industries. I guess they could pay them to sit around doing nothing, but thats what we've got s government for. Most of them probably never planned to be at SpaceX for long anyway. The usual strategy for most employees is to stay a few years, get stocks, then jump ship to any other company, since a few years at SpaceX is basically a golden ticket to work at any other launch provider.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Star wars the force awakens 43rd anniversary 1977-2020 shirt
SOURCE : Camping shirt

Tom Steyer For President 2020 shirt

And that focus on short term gains often results in massive layoffs. Wall St loves layoffs.Sort of agree. But I would rather see some reasonable amount of income excluded as tax free and all income/realized gains above that taxedTom Steyer For President 2020 shirt equally regardless of the source.Like, someone might have a compensation package negotiated as some number of options per year with a particular strike price. Suppose he had set it up as a 1 million options a year at a $1 strike price when the stock was $1. It's effectively zero compensation at the time of negotiation. If the stock price goes to $300, then it's $299M even though the terms of the contract didn't change, the value did.Except those layoffs had nothing to do with not having enough income.

BUY THIS SHIRT : Tom Steyer For President 2020 shirt
SOURCe: Camping shirt

Dog Tattoo Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt

For example, if his compensation package gives him the option to buy stock at $50 per share, and he buys 1MM shares, and the stock goes up to $150, then he would make $100MM buy selling it.Realistically, the option was negotiated back when Tesla stock was very low. It IPO'd at $17 per share, so his options were likelyDog Tattoo Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt
 FAR lower price. Unless his contract changes, then he can still buy stock at the same price as when he negotiated that option. If it was $5 and he is allowed to buy up to 2MM shares per year and sell after one year, then he would make a ton of money from those stocks because the current price is over $200 per share.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Dog Tattoo Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt
SOURCECamping shirt

Adidas Kansas Jayhawks look in rock chalk shirt

If I remember correctly, Lee’s was a bit riskier since GM’s stock at that point was tanked due to the fuel crisis, cheap Asian imports and Lee’s personal reputation wasn’t super high (still respected though) after having been recentlyAdidas Kansas Jayhawks look in rock chalk shirt fired by Ford in the 70s for spearheading the Pinto (even though Henry Ford Jr forced his hand and sped up the production cycle for that car).Oh no, the worst thing is how fucking voters and consumers think this is clever. Case in point, Trump's decades of tax dodging, shady deals, and stiffing contractors "makes him smart".Wealth worship is a fucking national security threat. A lot of these fucking bootlickers simply cannot look past a big bank account.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Adidas Kansas Jayhawks look in rock chalk shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 2, 2020

Sonic just run it shirt

This is SO frustrating as a retail worker. People do not pay attention when they are waiting in line. I have to yell Sir/Ma'am/etc pretty often to get the next person's attention. So many dirty looks from women. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty youngSonic just run it shirt, and I'm not going to call a woman who is clearly 20 years my senior "miss." It's just weird.As a teenager, I had offered an older gentleman (maybe this woman's age) my seat and he made some comments about him looking old. I think he was joking, but I was really uncomfortable and didn't know what to say.I genuinely didn't even think she was talking about herself until I read this comment - assumed there was an elderly person out of the range of the camera.No kidding. My daughter isn't even 20 but has all sorts of invisible issues with that would make it hard for her to stand on a bus or train, especially with the stop and go.Totally, and in my experience people who actually do have disabilities tend to be super polite and and not have entitled hissy-fits over it!

BUY THIS SHIRT: Sonic just run it shirt
SOURCE:  Trump t shirt

06 years of 2014 – 2020 outlander 5 seasons 67 episodes signature thank you for the memories shirt

I'm 20 and disabled and have pretty much 24/7 pain but I don't "look" disabled. When i was at Disney earlier this year I was having a ton of pain so I waited twenty minutes for a handicapped bathroom stall even though there were plenty06 years of 2014 – 2020 outlander 5 seasons 67 episodes signature thank you for the memories shirt of open regular stalls. Did I want to wait twenty minutes? Hell no. I did it because I felt like I needed the handicapped bathroom at that point, which is what they're there for. Once I got in the stall, the old bat who was behind me in line, loudly says to the young girl behind her: "Wow. Such a SHAME! People who aren't even DISABLED using the HANDICAP STALL!! By the time I was done in the bathroom, which to be fair took a while because I was struggling with my mobility, she was done and gone. I was kind of pissed too because while I was in the stall, I put on my sling in hopes she'd see me. I wear my sling when I need to support my arm (which is usually pretty much a dead weight pulling on my shoulder) and alleviate my pain.

BUY THIS SHIRT: 06 years of 2014 – 2020 outlander 5 seasons 67 episodes signature thank you for the memories shirt
SOURCE : Camping shirt

Heart Colorado Rockies Denver Broncos Shirt

I don't want to seem to support animal cruelty, but this seems like another law that is based on the interstate commerce clause of the constitution. It's been abused so badly that the federal government can claim to make laws over just about  Heart Colorado Rockies Denver Broncos Shirt anything, which goes directly against the spirit of the Tenth Amendment. Animal cruelty should absolutely be against the law, and should absolutely be punished harshly, but this is supposed to be something that is covered by State law, not Federal law.Ugh. I suppose I should be pleased that animal cruelty is on the minds of our elected officials, but animal abuse is rampant in the meat, dairy, and egg industry. I'm not just talking about the killing of the animals, but the way they are forced to live their short and dreary existences before the day they're killed. The fact that we've deemed it acceptable to effectively torture animals for months simply because we've deemed them food sources saddens me.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Heart Colorado Rockies Denver Broncos Shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Outlander 06th Anniversary 2014 2020 Signatures shirt

I actually had the term on the brain because I'm watching Ken Burns' The Vietnam War while I run at the gym. Walter Cronkite called the police response to demonstrations outside the 1968 Democratic Convention "a police state" on national evening news. With video of young kids getting the shit beat out of them by cops with clubs, blood everywhere, you know the deal. A Connecticut Senator called the police response "Gestapo tactics". And now it's just the status quo.The only time that courts really award for mental anguish is if it’s a result of physical injuries, defamation, or as a result of sexual harassment. There are some ridiculously high paying outliers, but you would need to have it documented (particularly by a Psychiatrist) to be a direct result of the action and would still have to pay to bring the lawsuit so it costs a lot of money to build your case for something that more likely than not will fail.
BUY THIS SHIRT: Outlander 06th Anniversary 2014 2020 Signatures shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Geralt of Rivia shirt

The H.M.S. Born Two and a Half Months Early Back n the Relatively Medically Inferior Year of 1979, When They Put Premature known but did not expect to see others here talking about him. I did one of his The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Geralt of Rivia shirtBabies in a Literal Oven to Finish Cooking, Which Makes Me Wonder How I Would Have Likely Developed Superiorly Both Physically and Mentally If I Had Emerged Fully Baked on the Correct Date.The only thing my social anxiety was ever good for was slamming the brakes on hard when people tried to drag me into weird group scenes. Back then it wasn't an automatic no, but when the clock struck midnight and I turned into a pumpkin that was IT.That's not how it works bud. Most cultures sacrifice only part. Some sacrifice only the fat. In some ceremonies of the wealthy and powerful however, the whole animal or multiple animals were sacrificed. There are stipulations in some cultures in which the sacrifices were income based.Most religions aren't torturing animals for the fun of it. Some slaughtering practices are a bit cruel but that would fall under point B I believe if the animal is destined for consumption.Well, in my faith we eat the animal afterwards, but that's more of a 'waste not want not' thing (and in most cases, such as myself, an ethics thing. Most of us don't think it's ethical to kill an animal just for religious purposes).

BUY THIS SHIRT : The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Geralt of Rivia shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Kaaron gordon the people’s champ 2016 – 2020 shirt

Obviously if you knew that was going to happened you would have never asked.To answer the question though, mine would be SS Lost Scholarship. Had a full ride to a university. Instead of studying, I focused on getting laid.Kaaron Gordon the people’s champ 2016 – 2020 shirt Guess the upside is I have no student debt and have a great job. But i always wonder what could've been.Got stressed working mad hours (accountant for a big 4 firm) and used it as a crutch to keep pushing harder. Before I knew it I was hooked. Managed to keep it a complete secret and kick the habit after 18 months, but not proud of it and it hurt my relationship. Wife still doesn't know.This makes me feel better. For the past year and a half, I've spent some time every day contemplating reaching out to some old friends who treated me like shit. I know it would not be in my favor and I'm better off with the, like one and half friends I have.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Kaaron gordon the people’s champ 2016 – 2020 shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Washington Nationals Majestic 2019 World Series Champions Trophy Shark Shirt

UHI feel you. I was with a nasty abusive guy for years. I should've left early on but, you know, denial is powerful, and I had pity and felt responsible for his wellbeing. Wasted a lot of good years on that terrible excuse for a human.I drove a delivery truck for work at a small family owned store. Owner was sort of a deadbeat and didn't Washington Nationals Majestic 2019 World Series Champions Trophy Shark Shirtkeep up with things as he should. Registration was over a year expired when we were pulled over. We drove that truck every day and the store was only about five or so blocks from the local PD. Cop's response was, 'I'll let you off with a warning because we should have caught you a while ago. I lost it to a girl who didnt know i was a virgin. a couple weeks later she told me it sucked / was a disappointment, so i told her I had been a virgin, and she was like ‘if i had known that i wouldn’t have slept with you. Welcome aboard the SS Performance Anxiety! We're about to go on our first voyage, until we get crippled by self-doubt, kill the mood unintentionally, and the mast falls over.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Washington Nationals Majestic 2019 World Series Champions Trophy Shark Shirt
SOURCE: Camping shirt

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 2, 2020

Michael Bloomberg Daily News Mayor On Stop And Frisk We Stop Too Many Whites shirt

I don't want to seem to support animal cruelty, but this seems like another law that is based on the interstate commerce clause of the constitution. It's been abused so badly that the federal government can claim to make laws over just about anything, which goes directly against the spirit of the Tenth Amendment. Animal crueltyMichael Bloomberg Daily News Mayor On Stop And Frisk We Stop Too Many Whites shirt should absolutely be against the law, and should absolutely be punished harshly, but this is supposed to be something that is covered by State law, not Federal law.Ugh. I suppose I should be pleased that animal cruelty is on the minds of our elected officials, but animal abuse is rampant in the meat, dairy, and egg industry. I'm not just talking about the killing of the animals, but the way they are forced to live their short and dreary existences before the day they're killed. The fact that we've deemed it acceptable to effectively torture animals for months simply because we've deemed them food sources saddens me.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Michael Bloomberg Daily News Mayor On Stop And Frisk We Stop Too Many Whites shirt
SOURCE: Groot t shirt

50 years of 1970-2020 queen signature shirt

I actually had the term on the brain because I'm watching Ken Burns' The Vietnam War while I run at the gym. Walter Cronkite called the police response to demonstrations outside the 1968 Democratic Convention "a police state" on national evening news. With video of young kids getting the shit beat out of them by cops with clubs, 50 years of 1970-2020 queen signature shirtblood everywhere, you know the deal. A Connecticut Senator called the police response "Gestapo tactics". And now it's just the status quo.The only time that courts really award for mental anguish is if it’s a result of physical injuries, defamation, or as a result of sexual harassment. There are some ridiculously high paying outliers, but you would need to have it documented (particularly by a Psychiatrist) to be a direct result of the action and would still have to pay to bring the lawsuit so it costs a lot of money to build your case for something that more likely than not will fail.

BUY THIS SHIRT: 50 years of 1970-2020 queen signature shirt
SOURCE: Groot t shirt

Rest In Peace Pop Smoke 1999 2020 shirt

The H.M.S. Born Two and a Half Months Early Back n the Relatively Medically Inferior Year of 1979, When They Put Premature Babies in a Literal Oven to Finish Cooking, Which Makes Me Wonder How I Would Have Likely Developed Superiorly Both Physically and Mentally If I Had Emerged Fully Baked on the Correct Date.The only thing my social anxiety was ever good for was slamming the brakes on hard when people tried to drag me into weird group scenes. Back then it wasn't an automatic no, but when the clock struck midnight and I turned into a pumpkin that was IT.That's not how it works bud. Most cultures sacrifice only part. Some sacrifice only the fat. In some ceremonies of the wealthy and powerful however, the whole animal or multiple animals were sacrificed. There are stipulations in some cultures in which the sacrifices were income based.Most religions aren't torturing animals for the fun of it. Some slaughtering practices are a bit cruel but that would fall under point B I believe if the animal is destined for consumption.Well, in my faith we eat the animal afterwards, but that's more of a 'waste not want not' thing (and in most cases, such as myself, an ethics thing. Most of us don't think it's ethical to kill an animal just for religious purposes).

BUY THIS SHIRT: Rest In Peace Pop Smoke 1999 2020 shirt
SOURCE': Groot t shirt

The Man Who Saved America Trump Reelect Trump 2020 Shirt

Obviously if you knew that was going to happened you would have never asked.To answer the question though, mine would be SS Lost Scholarship. Had a full ride to a university. Instead of studying, I focused on getting laid. Guess the upside is I have no student debt and have a great job. But i always wonder what could've been.Got stressed working mad hours (accountant for a big 4 firm) and used it as a crutch to keep pushing harder.The Man Who Saved America Trump Reelect Trump 2020 Shirt Before I knew it I was hooked. Managed to keep it a complete secret and kick the habit after 18 months, but not proud of it and it hurt my relationship. Wife still doesn't know.This makes me feel better. For the past year and a half, I've spent some time every day contemplating reaching out to some old friends who treated me like shit. I know it would not be in my favor and I'm better off with the, like one and half friends I have.

BUY THIS SHIRT: The Man Who Saved America Trump Reelect Trump 2020 Shirt
SOURCE: Groot t shirt

BBB Big Baller Brand Basketball shirt

I feel you. I was with a nasty abusive guy for years. I should've left early on but, you know, denial is powerful, and I had pity and felt responsible for his wellbeing. Wasted a lot of good years on that terrible excuse for a human.BBB Big Baller Brand Basketball shirtI drove a delivery truck for work at a small family owned store. Owner was sort of a deadbeat and didn't keep up with things as he should. Registration was over a year expired when we were pulled over. We drove that truck every day and the store was only about five or so blocks from the local PD. Cop's response was, 'I'll let you off with a warning because we should have caught you a while ago. I lost it to a girl who didnt know i was a virgin. a couple weeks later she told me it sucked / was a disappointment, so i told her I had been a virgin, and she was like ‘if i had known that i wouldn’t have slept with you. Welcome aboard the SS Performance Anxiety! We're about to go on our first voyage, until we get crippled by self-doubt, kill the mood unintentionally, and the mast falls over.

buy this shirt : BBB Big Baller Brand Basketball shirt

That’s What I Do I Dance I Drink Wine And I Know Things Flowers shirt

And that focus on short term gains often results in massive layoffs. Wall St loves layoffs.Sort of agree. But I would rather see some reasonable amount of income excluded as tax free and all income/realized gains above that taxed equallyThat’s What I Do I Dance I Drink Wine And I Know Things Flowers shirt regardless of the source.Like, someone might have a compensation package negotiated as some number of options per year with a particular strike price. Suppose he had set it up as a 1 million options a year at a $1 strike price when the stock was $1. It's effectively zero compensation at the time of negotiation. If the stock price goes to $300, then it's $299M even though the terms of the contract didn't change, the value did.Except those layoffs had nothing to do with not having enough income.

BUY THIS SHIRT : That’s What I Do I Dance I Drink Wine And I Know Things Flowers shirt
SOURCE: Fishing shirt

San Francisco Giants Baseball Players Signatures shirt

For example, if his compensation package gives him the option to buy stock at $50 per share, and he buys 1MM shares, and the stock goes up to $150, then he would make $100MM buy selling it.Realistically, the option San Francisco Giants Baseball Players Signatures shirtwas negotiated back when Tesla stock was very low. It IPO'd at $17 per share, so his options were likely FAR lower price. Unless his contract changes, then he can still buy stock at the same price as when he negotiated that option. If it was $5 and he is allowed to buy up to 2MM shares per year and sell after one year, then he would make a ton of money from those stocks because the current price is over $200 per share.

BUY THIS SHIRT: San Francisco Giants Baseball Players Signatures shirt
SOURCE : Fishing shirt

Official Donald Trump 4EVA Star Shirt

If I remember correctly, Lee’s was a bit riskier since GM’s stock at that point was tanked due to the fuel crisis, cheap Asian imports and Lee’s personal reputation wasn’t super high (still respected though) after having been recently fired by Official Donald Trump 4EVA Star ShirtFord in the 70s for spearheading the Pinto (even though Henry Ford Jr forced his hand and sped up the production cycle for that car).Oh no, the worst thing is how fucking voters and consumers think this is clever. Case in point, Trump's decades of tax dodging, shady deals, and stiffing contractors "makes him smart".Wealth worship is a fucking national security threat. A lot of these fucking bootlickers simply cannot look past a big bank account.

buy this shirt : Official Donald Trump 4EVA Star Shirt
source : Fishing shirt

Zo To Zion Williamson NBA Basketball shirt

I'm tired of this whole "Committing Crimes in Broad Daylight and Receiving Zero Punishment for it" reality we suddenly live in. Zo To Zion Williamson NBA Basketball shirtI'm fully ready to protest this Administration's lack of law and order and all of it's cronies' corruption and blatant felonies like this. I’m ready for a general strike against a corrupt and compromised POTUS and a corrupt, compromised, and complicit GOP leadership in the House and Senate. I think Black Friday has been tossed around in some threads I’ve been on and I love the idea. It's time to take out the trash and cut this cancer out of our democracy! I'm ready to march against the death of American values.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Zo To Zion Williamson NBA Basketball shirt
SOURCEFishing shirt

Scherzer Strasburg 2020 Go 1-0 Every Day Shirt

.if I had the chance to punch anyone in Washington in the face, it would absolutely be Matt Gaetz. There are other deserving people on my punch in the face list, like Donny jr., Tucker Carlson, Trump, Moscow Mitch and so on. But I would part the Red Sea for a chance to knock his fucking teeth out. This makes me so angry. Definatly giving his office a call about it tomorrow. Not much but it's what we can do until it comes time to vote. Scherzer Strasburg 2020 Go 1-0 Every Day ShirtThat and I have been looking into trying to get more democratic events in the area. I plan to hold a debate watch party or something for the next debate. I know, I vote every year. Though if I remember right in this area Democrats have maybe 1/4 of the vote.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Scherzer Strasburg 2020 Go 1-0 Every Day Shirt
SOURCE: Fishing shirt

Legends Rip Pop Smoke 1999 2020 shirt

Also, by the way, Trump's attorney argued in court today (over individual#1's tax returns), that individual#1 can not beLegends Rip Pop Smoke 1999 2020 shirt  investigated under any circumstances, even if he shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue. They defended his right to not be investigated for any reason, even murder. Today. In America. Can Congress issue fines? The only thing Republicans listen to is money. Start fining 10K, 20K here out of their campaign funds for these illegal and egregious acts.Democrats are following perfect proper official impeachment proceedings perfectly and Republicans can't stand it. They are desperate for some short of chaos, even if they are the cause.

BUY THIS SHIRT : Legends Rip Pop Smoke 1999 2020 shirt
SOURCE : Fishing shirt