Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 5, 2021

Myshirtone – Snoopy happy bike flower shirt


Voyage et Cie’s Kyoto bamboo candle is clean and bright. Lighting candles helps set the mood right in the house. I have always been a homebody, but being “stuck” (ahem, “safe”) at home has made me appreciate it and all the memories it holds even more than ever. I brought Luca home to this house eight years ago, I had Banks here; Matt and I got married here. Many birthdays, baby showers, and holidays hold a special place.

Snoopy happy bike flower shirt

My husband and I start counting down the hours (starting at noon) until we can crawl into bed and start bingeing on TV! The kids dominate the TV during the day (🙄) so we only get to watch our shows at night. We just finished Ozark (best show on TV) and are into Unorthodox and I am in.

Snoopy happy bike flower Hoodie

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