one last thing I know Reddit doesn't like the term "thoughts and
prayers" but what else are they or we suppose to say or do?Define mental
illness? When you purchase a firearm, it asks you if you have ever been
institutionalized or Alex Caruso The Carushow shirt Sweaterfound mentally defective. Problem is law abiding citizens
like myself will answer honestly when filling those out, someone who has a plan
to harm people wont. if they are willing to kill someonethey aren't going to
let a form stop them. Plus if you argue that they could buy from a private
seller, then the situations the same. If they fully outlawed personal selling
they could still purchase them from someone illegally. The problem is you are
trying to stop someone who is not going to obey the law by using laws. It
doesn't work, best I can come up with is better public plans for mental health,
trying to as a society get people help that need it. Its a messy situation for
sure and I don't think it has a solution any time soon.
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