Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 6, 2021

Hulktee – Back In My Day blowing a tranny meant you had car trouble T-Shirt

 January is here, and for many, the resolution to eat a plant-based diet has arrived along with it. 500,000 people alone signed up for Veganuary, an online pledge to go vegan for 30 days. And that’s including all the people who didn’t officially declare their intentions on the internet: The Economist says that, since 2015, Google searches for “veganism” have doubled, and that a quarter of 25- to 34-year-old Americans say they’re either vegan or vegetarian. Simply put: more and more people are exploring the benefits of going meat, dairy, and egg free, the benefits of which include improved heart health and a decreased individual environmental footprint.

Back In My Day blowing a tranny meant you had car trouble T-Shirt

However, as the pandemic trudges on, attitudes are shifting—people, yes, care about their health, but also realize that there’s a chance that the Coronavirus will be with us for a while. So perhaps Zero is a solution: a service that’s simultaneously low-contact and low environmental impact. “People are spending a lot of time at home, and asking themselves—how am I living, and how do I want to live when we come out of this?” says Strasner. “They’re thinking about their impact.”

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